Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Impact Veterans and our Community!
Help make a difference
Here are ways you can become a member:
The VFW exists to Support Veterans, provide Advocacy, show Patriotism, continue Tradition, and unite veterans for Camaraderie.
VFW members share the camaraderie you enjoyed in the military. We’ve all been deployed to foreign war zones and/or where UN troops maintained global peace including Egypt, Kosovo and Bosnia. We’ve put our lives on the line defending freedom. Our families know the hardships of deployments. We understand what you want in a veterans service organization: camaraderie, strong support and effective advocacy. We’re committed to serving our state and nation through the VFW’s mission—“Honor the Dead by Serving the Living”—out of respect for those who went before us into harm’s way.
Our strength comes from you—veterans of wars ranging back to World War II and Korea, through the Vietnam War and Operations Desert Storm/Shield, and through Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn, plus many smaller military operations in between. Your membership enables the VFW to do good things for great people particularly veterans, their families, our troops and their communities. Our ability to improve lives grows with each new membership and when current members renew.
Here are more reasons why membership will pay off big for you:
Member Benefits – http://www.vfw.org/Join/Member-Benefits/
First, check your eligibility. Veterans who served on covert missions not shown on discharge papers should contact State Headquarters to document their eligibility.
For a membership application, contact the Post to request a Membership Form or access the online application here.
VFW Auxiliary Members are…
Foster and Stepchildren (who attained that status prior to the age of sixteen and for whom the duties of parent were performed)
Of persons who were or are eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Members must be citizens of the United States and at least 16 years old.
For a membership application, contact the Post to request a Membership Form or access the application here.
Social members are members who do not meet the requirements for any other type of membership. Social members are members of the community who support Veterans, Veterans' programs and share the patriotic ideals of the parent organization. Social members are members of the Canteen only. Social members do not have voting rights.
Membership Requirements: Any person, of good character and not less than 21 years of age, may join the Canteen as a Social member. Applicants must be sponsored by any active member in good standing, whether VFW, Auxiliary or Social member. Sponsorship is a significant element in the investigation process whereby the active member vouches for the applicant's character.
For a membership application, contact the Post to request a Membership Form.


26A Hamilton Road
Boiling Springs, PA 17007
Tel: 717-258-6373