26A Hamilton Road, Boiling Springs, PA 17007
(717) 258-6373
A VFW for the Community
We are among the national leaders in VFW program activity and funds raised to support VFW and community projects. This success shows we are first and foremost a service organization. Of course, the VFW is quick to respond to needs of veterans, their families and military families. We know how to react to the many challenges facing military families and transitioning troops because we’ve “been there.”
The generosity of the VFW and its Auxiliary also extends beyond our veterans and military families. VFW Post 8851 contributes thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of community service each year. Our contributions improve the community through beautification projects; donations for public safety, building memorials including the Clock Tower at Children’s Lake, human service charity donations, holiday events, student scholarships, disaster relief drives; patriotic events honoring veterans and active troops; and many more programs. Our VFW members visit schools, work with scouting programs and hold “living history” programs to develop patriotism and civic responsibility.